[will begin seeing clients in July]

Everyone has a story that needs and wants to be heard. Sometimes we lose touch with our inner voice, and we find ourselves living lives that no longer look or feel like the real us. We may begin to feel stuck, without hope, and unable to trust ourselves. The ways in which we learned to survive in the past no longer seem to work or help us thrive in the present. There is truly no cure to being human. Because much of our pain and suffering happens within relationship, I believe that deep healing also yearns to happen within relationship. My hope is that pursuing a counseling relationship will be one step towards that healing.

My name is Dylan (she/they), and I identify as a white, queer, AFAB and gender questioning human, born and raised in the Bible Belt of Texas. I am in the process of earning my MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Antioch University in Seattle, where my studies are focusing on an integrated healing approach of the mind, body, and soul. When I’m not seeing therapy clients, I’m facilitating both group and individual yoga and fitness training.

To me, counseling is about healing within relationship, through authenticity and empowerment. With each new client, I aim to co-create a safe and brave space for them to show up fully as themself. I believe in a holistic approach to healing that involves both talk therapy and somatic (body-based) techniques. Many of us walk around life dissociated and ignoring what our bodies are trying to tell us (for good reasons). I aim to empower my clients to listen to their own inner wisdom found in their deepest emotions and bodily sensations. I’m currently advancing my training in working with humans who are interested in exploring identity development, sexuality, gender, anxiety, depression, grief, relationship dynamics, body image, disordered eating, spirituality, and trauma.


Dylan’s work at Modern Therapy Seattle is currently being supervised by Haley Krenzke, MS, LMFT, CST LF66180424.